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tv   9 News Now at 5pm  CBS  October 25, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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massachusetts avenue in bethesda. >> right now we're looking at a woman who appears to be in her 50s. we don't know how she died. >> reporter: neighbor say until today the biggest concern had been an occasional burglary. >> generally we go to sleep feeling confident this is a safe neighborhood. >> reporter: after this? >> too early to say, but of course none of us will sleep as well tonight. >> reporter: professor markham started to teach at au in 1999. she had done her undergrad and graduate work here and was tax director for the ringling brothers barnum bailey circus. >> she was a fantastic professors, on top of the students, making sure we did our work to the best of our ability. she was -- i'm in shock right now to be honest. >> reporter: what else do we know about the crime? sue anne mark ham's car is missing. it is a 1999 gold or tan jeep cherokee with virginia tags.
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we should point out here and throughout the evening on the campus of american university the administration has made grief counseling available to the faculty and students that knew her. >> hopefully a break in the case soon. three women, three attacked in rock creek park. two survived one died alone unable to finger her attacker. this is day one of the chandra levy murder trial in dc superior court and two women have already i.d. ingmar guandique, the man police ignored at the time, focusing on that sitting congressman. bruce? >> reporter: you are not going to hear any testimony at the courthouse about dna prosecutors don't have any but they have three women who described similar attacks from ingmar guandique in rock creek park around the time that chandra levy disappeared. one woman was in tears as she
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described how ingmar guandique jumped her from behind while she was out jogging. she said there was an incredible thud and she has never felt as afraid and alone as she felt in that moment. she never felt that way in her entire life but she was able to fight ingmar guandique off by digging her fingernails to the soft tissue of his tongue even as he bit her. >> are you okay? >> i'm all right. >> reporter: susan levy is back in washington, nearly a decade after her daughter was murdered. hoping to finally see justice. for long months in the spring of 2001, police focused on then congressman gary condit who admitted he had an affair with the intern who was 30 years his junior. but in opening statements, prosecutors said condit had nothing to do with levy's murder. this is the face they say levy saw in her last moments, ingmar
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guandique. all the circumstances, they say, showed the same man attacked all three women, closed the chapter, they say, find him guilty. but defense attorneys say police hopelessly botched the investigation of levy's disappearance, and that the well is hopelessly poisoned. that the one tiny piece of dna found on levy's knotted tights exonerates ingmar guandique. whatever happened to chandra levy, they say, ingmar guandique had nothing to do with it. he didn't rob her. he didn't rape her. and he didn't kill her. ingmar guandique sits at the defense table staring at the witnesses. he sits there silently with his head cocked a little bit to the side. prosecutors say he has not always been so silent. they say he confessed to killing candy dray levy, confessed to several of his cell mates in prison and we're expecting to hear from some of those cell mates here at the
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courthouse. derek? >> any other clues as to what the defense may be planning in terms of a defense against what you acknowledge is mostly circumstantial evidence? >> that's the point. and they say prosecutors have really just no physical evidence in this case and that the police, when they looked at this, just hopelessly blew it nearly a decade ago. that say they poisoned the evidence and that once you do that everything that flows from that is just poisoned an you can't believe it. they also say, as for these kind of cell mates they called them prison snitches and they say all of their testimony is provided with "deals on their minds." >> bruce leshan live at the courthouse. thank you. one of the three students charged with running a drug lab inside of a dorm room is free tonight. other two are in jail facing up to 20 years behind bars. these arrests happened saturday morning on the campus at georgetown university and the
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students were just arraigned in u.s. district court. have we learned more what was in their room. >> we sure have. police detail what they found inside the room. several items including carbon dioxide, a number of jars of green and clear liquid and we're told a homemade smoking device. dea agents say these materials were highly explosive and flammable. prosecutors say georgetown freshman charles smith and visiting richmond resident john perro in, e were running a drug lab inside of the hear bin hall in georgetown university. 400 students were evacuated from the hall on saturday morning after someone reported a strange odor. rusty payne, a smoke spokesman with the drug enforcement administration says that it is a hallucinogenic drug and though not wildly popular the
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ingredients can be found on- line legally and illegally. inside of room 926 police say they found ammonia, salt, lighter fluid, rubber gloves and a turkey baster. >> i'm not surprised because people are capable of synthesizing all kinds of chemicals and concoctions that people use to get high and we are seeing more and more of it. >> reporter: john romano who lived in the dorm in question is now free. his lawyer says the charges of conspiracy to manufacture drugs and possession with intent to distribute have been dropped. >> we're obviously extremely relieved that the charges were dropped, and that hopefully he can now get on with his life. >> in the meantime, 18year -old john perrone and 18-year-old charles smith are main behind bars. they are held without bail until their next court appearance, a detention hearing back in u.s. district court on wednesday afternoon. the government, we're told, will present a witness after they further analyze the
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chemicals that we told you about earlier in that story. >> do we know why the charges were dropped against the third student? >> we asked the prosecutor and defense attorney. they would not get in to details. the defense attorney said he is anxious to get on with his life, including going back to georgetown. he was a languages major at georgetown university, two months in to the school year. no word yet if georgetown will readmit him, though. >> thank you for that update. we also have an update on the serious scooter accident that happened in rockville a week ago. 16-year-old knolls hernandez died in the hospital last night. he was a passenger on the scooter that police say was struck by a mercedes on viers mill road. charges against the driver are pending as the police wrap up the investigation. we will speak with the driver of the scooter who gives a firsthand account of how it all happened. it is a story here on nine. a week to go before election day, a new poll gives
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martin o'malley a pretty solid lead over the form per governor ehrlich. the "washington post" gives the democratic incumbent a 14 point advantage over his challenger. 54% of likely voters support o'malley versus 40% for ehrlich. most of the polls trust o'malley to do a better job with the economy and the taxes. meantime, president obama is still out there working the crowd. he will visit five states between now and next tuesday's mid-term vote. tonight, the president is in wood socket rhode island where he just finished talking to factory workers about the economy. later tonight, mr. obama will attend two fund-raisers for congressional candidates but not all the rhode island candidates welcome the visit. the rhode island governor candidate had harsh words for mr. obama after learning the president would not be endorsing him. >> i never asked for president obama's endorsement. he could take his endorsement and really shove it as far as
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i'm concerned. >> ew. the white house is not commenting on his remarks, but his end opponent chaffey gave high profile endorsement to senator obama before the 2008 democratic presidential primary. a teenager is under arrest for a shooting outside of a northern virginia hotel. 18-year-old william richards of lorton is charged with malicious wounding. they say it stemmed from a fight that erupted when uninvited guests tried to crash a party at the courtyard marriott in springfield. the victim is hospitalized with injuries that we are told are life-threatening. former dc school board president peggy cooper has filed a lawsuit against dc water. a fire destroyed her northwest washington home in july of 2009. the lawsuit filed last week says firefighters had a hard time containing the blaze because of inadequate fire hydrants and water pressure. the cause of the fire was accidental. and caught on tape, look at this incredible tornado video out of north texas.
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emergency management coordinator eric meyers captured this moment. it is when the tornado touched down. as you can see it is just ripping things up. tearing apart buildings. debris all over the place. topper is in the weather center with more on the damage the twister left behind and you say all this time the debris is the danger zone. >> can you believe how much was blowing around? unbelievable. people are picking up the pieces of their shattered homes after the tornado moved through yesterday. the twister destroyed houses and severely damaged a high school. randall pinkston has the latest. >> reporter: a powerful tornado completely demolished this north texas home late sunday. it's one of about five houses severely damaged when storms ripped through the town of rice, 45 miles south of dallas. >> we are in the tornado glum. >> reporter: a storm chaser captured the power and fury of
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the tornado as he drove past the local high school. winds up to 117 miles an hour tore the roof off of one building and destroyed the baseball field. light towers were bent like straws and freight cars from a railroad track were blown on to the field. so far, only minor injuries have been reported after a truck overturned on the interstate. to the north, another twister ripped apart homes in the town of lone oak. one resident says it began as a hailstorm before a funnel cloud moved in. >> within a matter of less than a minute it turned my house up. i could hear it destroying something. >> reporter: while residents are assessing damage, they are setting up temporary classrooms to get kids back in school as soon as possible. >> of course it takes months for -- the peak months for tornadoes are april, may and june. severe weather moved through overnight causing more damage and report of one person being
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killed by lightning. the same front is heading our way. we will tell you what this means for your commute on tuesday and wednesday. >> a lot to talk about. time to check on the rush hour right now. richard has the time-saver traffic. good afternoon. not too bad of a situation in maryland. some brake lights northbound on i-270 as you move from montross to montgomery village and sporadic slowing from that point. not a bad drive heading up to frederick at this hour. virginia, southbound on i-395, look for a slow spot between king and duke street. the speeds will pick up passing the beltway. on southbound i-95 from newington to going to the lorton area, occoquan bridge, off and on brake lights and off and on slows heading to quantico. if you are in downtown dc, a mess there with traffic. the horse show at the verizon center has some closures between 7th and 5th and 6th is shut down in the vicinity of e street. to plan accordingly. still ahead, on 9 news,
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inside of the tunnels. we will take you underground for a behind the scenes look at the progress so far on the dulles rail project. up next, a university of virginia grad on track to make the u.s. olympic swimming team died in competition. the full story is coming up.
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in the tampa area teenager that got coverage for having uncontrollable hiccups is now in trouble. she is said to have lured a man to her home where he was robbed and shot. two co-defendants have admitted their roles in the killing. she gained notoriety when she hiccupped 50 times a minute for months. she tried all the remedies but the hiccups went away on their own. the body of u.s. swimmer is being transported to the u.s. today. he died in a race over the weekend in dubai. the 26-year-old from philadelphia went under in the final stretch of an open water competition. it's what he worked his life for, a shot at making the u.s. olympic swim team.
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>> i had a great opportunity ahead of me and i'm looking to seize the moment. >> reporter: it was his last. the 26-year-old died during a six-mile race on saturday off the coast of the united arab emirates. >> it was his whole life and he was dedicated to his dream and his dream was making the olympic team and he fought. >> reporter: they blame his death on overexertion. several competitors said the sea was too hot at 90 degrees. rescue teams and competitors began to search for crippen when he failed to finish and discovered his body two hours later, just 400-yards from the finish line. >> some of them started to weep openly. they were sad because he had gone miss and now they found him. >> reporter: he said he was worried about ebb adequate safety measures at open water races. some were criticized for not having enough boats out to keep an eye on swims. an investigation is underway
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but knowing how crippen died won't take away for the pain of those left behind, like his coach. >> i love him. we had a cup of coffee every every morning practice. >> reporter: they met at the spot where his body was found to remember the athlete. his family plans to honor his legacy by pushing for greater safety at open water events. charlie d'agata, cbs news. >> he started to swim at age 6 and became a four-time national champion long distance swimmer. students at a washington state college were sickened by a high alcohol caffeinated drink not date rape drugs. that is the conclusion where nine kids went to the hospital after an october house party. officials say they consumed a drink called for loco. a dozen students were hospitalized in new jersey after drinking for loco.
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the cholera outbreak in haiti appears to be stabilizing. it has killed 259 people but only six since yesterday. the sickness is expected to spread from the central rural area where it originated. aid groups are trying to keep the water bourn bacterial disease from getting to the capital of port-au-prince. coming off of an absolutely stellar weekend. >> three in a row. >> october has been fabulous. >> i did note that coming out at 7:30 a.m. on saturday it was cold. >> it was cold. the suburbs had the first frost in montgomery county an fairfax county on saturday morning. looking at a different pattern. almost weirdly warm outside. when you get weirdly warm weather it can lead to interesting weather. let's start to the west. this is oregon, mount hood. they had snow. it will snow there tonight and tomorrow in parts of the cascades as another system moves in the rockies.
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up to four or five days ago in the lower 70s. not anymore. go back to us. we're on the flip side of that. it is going to be warm the next few days, 76 tomorrow. a shower or thunderstorm is possible. i think the best chance will be on tuesday night. 79, almost 80 on wednesday. again, showers and thunderstorms possible. cooler on thursday but still nice. if you can handle a temperature correction back to 70. that's above average. tuesday planner, 60 in the morning, maybe a shower. 72 at lunchtime, maybe a shower. 75 by edge evening maybe a shower. i think you get the picture. leave the jacket at home and pack the umbrella. 75 manassas. this is with cloud cover. 72 frederick and martinsburg. what's driving the warm air? a very strong southwest flow. winds gusting to 20 in manassas, 20-mile an hour wind gusts in frederick and fredericksburg and 21 miles an hour in frederick. so this is going to continue
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right on through wednesday. for tonight, mostly cloudy, breezy and mild. a shower is possible. not much happens overnight. low temperatures 55 to 60. winds southwest at 10 to 20 and a little gusty. let me show you our titan. we had big thunderstorms to the south toward virginia beach and big thunderstorms to the north up in between pittsburgh and state college. these are going to kind of miss us for the time being but the frontal system is back to the west and that's what is going to produce our weather, especially tuesday night in to wednesday. that's the timetable for big storms. go to the computer and talk about the lows tonight. it will feel like summer. 60 downtown. 57 fairfax. leesburg only 55. 55 up in to gaithersburg and 57 college park. tomorrow morning, a couple of showers possible. breezy and mild. 50s and 60s. by afternoon, not bad. windy and warm. a shower or thunderstorm possible. highs 75 and winds increasing southwest 10 to 20.
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and rather gusty. here's the deal. cold front on the way. windy and warm through wednesday. a few showers tomorrow. big storms are possible on tuesday night. some storms are possible on wednesday morning. in fact, here's our future cast. tomorrow morning i think the commute will generally be dry in the metro area. by lunchtime, a couple of showers but nothing heavy. again, this is a light green here. this is light activity. nothing crazy heavy. we get to the evening, not bad. a dry commute hope home and if a little rain occurs we have leaves on the road and roads get slippery quickly. by wednesday evening, here's the big storms. they are out to the west. we will have to wait tuesday in to wednesday for the big activity. 76 tomorrow, maybe a shower. 79 on wednesday. better chance of showers and storms. a bit cooler but nice on thursday, 70. 60 on friday mid-60s on saturday and looking at a nice, nice pumpkin day really. 60. trick or treat weather in the 40s and 50s and not bad on monday, partly cloudy and 60
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also. >> kids are going to love this. >> it is enough to keep them cool in their costumes. >> they are going to need that. up next, hear from the good samaritan who jumped across the tracks to rescue a man who tumbled off of a metro platform. woman 1 sync: i knew what bob ehrlich did as governor. man 1 sync: raised my property taxes 60 percent. woman 2 sync: let utilities hike our rates 72 percent. woman 1 sync: but i didn't know what he's done since he got fired as governor. man 2: ehrlich's raked in millions. man 3: he worked for a wall street bank that took 10 billion dollars from the bailout. woman 3: 10 billion of our money. woman 4: our money. woman 5 sync: and he worked for another bank that collapsed. man 4: costing tax payers 17 million. anncr: tell bob ehrlich big banks don't need help.
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middle class marylanders do.
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caught on tape. we are hearing from the good samaritan who bravely jumped on to metro tracks to save a mayne man who fell the path of an oncoming train. >> it happened at the virginia square gmu station and it happened two months ago. he told our morning news anchor how it went down. >> all of a sudden, i heard somebody yell get off the tracks! get off the tracks! and that's when everything happened. >> reporter: with the train literally coming down the tracks, did you have minutes, seconds, what is the time you could assess that? >> i believe the train was in the turn still coming inbound, but the gentleman on the other side ran down the platform waving his arms to stop the train which was fortunate. he had presence of mind to run down there and try to stop the train. >> did you have any concern for the third rail?
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did you know about the third rail? >> well, i knew exactly where i was stepping. when when i was a kid, i grew up in new york city and my father was a third railman. and he used to take me down in the tunnels and show me what to touch and what not to touch. he said stay away from the third rail. >> have you heard metro's response saying "this man is not a hero. he probably shouldn't have done this. call a manager. have you heard that response yet? >> they are right from a certain perspective. this is not to be tried at home, if you will. this is a dangerous situation. you touch that third rail and that's pretty much the end, but because my father taught me well, and with my marine corps training, it instinct kicked in. i decided he needed help and i needed to him. >> you heard the story. what were the first thoughts
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that went through your mind, diane. >> i told my husband i thought he was crazy first of all. it is something you don't ordinarily do but it didn't surprise me because that's the type of man that he is. >> it was crazy, crazy courageous. he said he has not spoke on the the man since the day. he understands the man injured his arm and back in the fall off of the platform and on to the tracks. >> what a story. coming up next, we're underground at tysons corner where metro rail to dulles is being built. coming up i will show you more of the construction.
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man: empty nest? new kitchen, new us? woman: who are we? chic, modern, daring dinner-party hosts. that sounds dangerous, maybe we're more the traditional sunday brunch set? i'll expect slippers and a cocktail to be ready when i get home from work. point taken. how about... peaceful, quiet cottage in the country folk? now that's us. spend over 2500 dollars on a new kitchen and save 40 percent on custom countertops until november 28th at ikea. the life improvement store.
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a study says pediatricians ought to have a role in diagnosing postpartum depression and simple ways to slash the energy bill once it turns to winter them next mass construction project is taking shape in tysons corner and the metro rail extension is being done some 60 feet in the air. new at 5:30, our own peggy fox takes on a tour above and below
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ground for a firsthand look. in two years this tunnel will be packed with people riding in subway cars, under traffic at tysons corner. while part of the short tunnel to tysons was built by cutting straight down, the rest was bore out. >> there's the tunneling method, it is unique. it is a true mind application and the reason we are using it here is the grade was too steep for the trains and by we don't inconvenience the traveling public. >> this part of the tunnel is bore under the intersection of 123 and international drive. 1700 feet from here it comes out at route 7 at the intersection of 123. only phase one of the dulles rail project is under construction. it extends the metro orange line 12 miles to wheely avenue in reston. >> once you see the stations come out of the ground they are 21st century station and they are beautiful. >> reporter: the most visible part of the project are the huge yellow trusses used to
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move concrete segments in to place for long bridges. >> for each span you have what we call big concrete lego blocks that fit together and we tie these precast concrete blocks together with high steel, high strength strands, steel strands. >> reporter: getting a tour of the $3 billion project, two elected officials had a lot to do with getting it funded. warner and connelly. >> like any construction project you live through the pain but once it is done, it is done for decades to come and this is going to be not only about getting folks off the road but it will give folks a new option in terms of rail. in tysons corner, 9 news now. >> nice when it is done. metro rail's phase one to reston is set to open in 2013. phase two is scheduled for completion in 2016. virginia is getting many that are than $45 million to start developing high speed passenger rail service between richmond and dc. senators jim webb and mark warner announced a grant from
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the federal railroad administration today. the goal of the project is to provide train service that would take passengers between the two metropolitan areas and about 90 minutes -- in about 90 minutes. tomorrow the montgomery county council votes on whether to ban homeowners from parking cars in their front yards and large commercial vehicles in their driveways. the bill's sponsored by ike leggett stems from complaints about the number of food and tow trucks parked in some aspen hill neighborhoods. violaters would face $500 fine for each day they are not in compliance. the county bans parking large vehicles on residential streets. arlington mary mount university is celebrating the largest expansion in its 60 year history. that college officially dedicated the brand new, 26th street campus over the weekend. the $50 million plus project is tart of a master plan that anticipates further growth and renovation at mary mount in the coming years. it kleins a resident hall, science classrooms an a breezeway to the main campus
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over yorktown boulevard. for more stories from where you live, go to and find your community in the where you live section to keep up with what is happening in your neighborhood. if you have a story or tip we want to hear it. contact us and be part of the team. a bitter taste to help you breathe. new research out of the university of maryland school of medicine finds muscles in the airways relax when exposed to bitter compounds which could lead to a new way to open them up. now the maryland team wants to test an aerosolized bitter compound as a treatment for asthma. postpartum depression is far more than the baby blues for some women and can be crippling. experts are realizing the damaging impact on newborns as well and they want pediatricians to be on the lookout for signs and symptoms. >> when molly gave birth to her son henry five years ago, it wasn't the joyous moment she
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expected. the new mom had feelings of regret and guilt. >> i was anxious and thought i had made a terrible mistake in thinking i could be a mother. >> reporter: one in four mothers suffers from depression after giving birth and the condition is not only damaging for the mother but can also harm an infant's development. >> there is severe depression in mothers the babies are not as interactive and verbal and can grow up being depressed. >> reporter: now they want pediatricians to start to screen new moms as well. >> watch for the ones who are not happy about a new baby and the ones not eating and sleepingment don't be afraid to ask how they are doing. >> reporter: the academy urges pediatricians to recommend counseling if the mom seems at all depressed. molly thinks that is a good first line of defense. >> pediatricians are in a unique position to screen for postpartum depression because they see mom so frequently. >> reporter: she went to a psychiatrist for treatment of her postpartum depression and even started her own support group, to help other moms who
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are struggling. >> what is interesting is postpartum depression is a western phenomenon. in other nations there isn't as much of it and in our modern society mothers are more isolated. kind of a cloudy evening an our area. topper is on the terrace with the out and about forecast. >> kind of weird. it is windy and warm. not what you expect for late october. here's the out and about forecast. temperature-wise a bargain really. looking at temperatures in the low to mid-70s. even at 6:00. temperatures don't fall very far very fast. clouds and you can walk the dog on the. i don't see any showers on the. the best chance will not come until tuesday. fall colors are about to come and go. if you were in the mountains and haven't made it to skyline drive, hurry. they are almost past peak now.
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near peak toe this suburbs. good color around the metro area and some color down in to southern maryland. let's talk about the next three days, warm on tuesday and wednesday. a couple of showers are possible tomorrow. but really the best chance of shower and thunderstorms will be on tuesday in to wednesday. 79 on wednesday. some of these storms could be heavy. some could be actually severe and then cooler on thursday behind the front. we'll see partly cloudy skies and breezy all three days. windy to breezy through thursday. temperatures falling back to 70 on thursday is not bad. in fact 70 is still above average. it is a far cry from our upper 70s. we will come back and talk about the potential for severe weather in the metro area on tuesday night. back to you. coming up next, a strange and -- a family looks out the window to find a guest you don't normally invite to a pool
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party. one bethesda woman fights to free her husband from a cuban prison. we are always on-line as well at stay with us. we'll be right
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you have heard the saying they are going to need a bigger net. imagine the surprise to these people when they decided a buffalo decided to take a dip in their pool. buffalo got away a couple of weeks back and was with a couple other buffaloes. two were recaptured but the third has been out wandering about. they threw ropes around the area to coax it out of the shallow end. we won't comment on why the water is that color, but it
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doesn't look good? >> it doesn't. you are right. hopefully the traffic is looking good on a monday night. richard, how are you? >> doing well. luckily no buffalo or other animals on the roadways but we have brat brake lights from montgomery village avenue. all lanes are open but we will findable slow downs the rest of the rush hour. on the beltway, not bad. inner loop occasional slowing and moves at a good clip from river road to new hampshire avenue. venturing in to virginia, the slow spot on southbound 95 from below 495 going beyond the okay won bridge to quantico. still slow downtown dc because of the horse show at the verizon center. we are shut down on f street between 7th and fifth and sixth street remains closed. back to you. coming up on 9 news now, the skins beat chicago barely.
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coming up, reaction today on that ugly win later in sports. the winds are whipping up the pollen. if you are sneezing there's a reason. we will show you with the pollen count. you can access this on our website at trees are low, grasses and weeds are low, but the mold spores in the medium range. we will come back and talk about how long the temperatures stay high and if the clouds will give way to thunderstorms anytime soon. but up next, spend now and save more later. how to save big bucks on energy bills this winter. woman 1 sync: i knew what bob ehrlich did as governor. man 1 sync: raised my property taxes 60 percent.
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woman 2 sync: let utilities hike our rates 72 percent. woman 1 sync: but i didn't know what he's done since he got fired as governor. man 2: ehrlich's raked in millions. man 3: he worked for a wall street bank that took 10 billion dollars from the bailout. woman 3: 10 billion of our money. woman 4: our money. woman 5 sync: and he worked for another bank that collapsed. man 4: costing tax payers 17 million. anncr: tell bob ehrlich big banks don't need help. middle class marylanders do.
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why not save on car insurance? [ coin drops ] [ high-pitched voice ] thanks. [ normal voice ] you're welcome. get a free quote at dc res agains your energy tax rebates are finally here. they launched the energy star rebate program today. they will be awarded on a first- come first served basis and energy star appliances will qualify. the program runs until all the
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money is gone. you have only a few months to take advantage of federal tax credits for making energy saving improvements to your home and tonight, lesli foster has moves you can make that pay off and save you on those energy bills. >> gina lamprella wanted her home to be more energy efficient, she replaced her windows, put in a more efficient heating system and added insulation to the attic. >> we hope to save money, especially in the winner on energy bills. >> reporter: consumer reports has taken a look at ways to slash your energy bills. >> you can probably cut your costs by 20% or more by adding insulation and energy efficient heating and cooling equipment. >> reporter: you can save even more if you qualify for federal energy tax credits due to expire at the end of the year. you can get a 30% tax credit up to $1,500 on energy efficient improvements like insulation, ceiling air leaks and more reflective roofing.
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>> there are federal energy tax credits available until 2017 for renewable systems such as geo thermal heat pumps and small wind turbines. >> reporter: you can save energy by making simple changes at home. >> five to 10% of your home's electricity goes to devices that draw power even when not in use. >> reporter: whenever possible unplug devices such the cell phone when it is charged. adjust temperatures five to ten degrees at night and when you are not home. that will trim 20% off of the heating and cooling costs. >> another energy saving step to take. change the viewing mode of the television. in the stores the tvs are set with the brightness up high but switch to the mode called home use. it is more energy efficient. lesli foster, 9 news now. gas prices are going up again according to the lundberg serovar. it has gone up 5 cents in the last two weeks. the national average for a
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gallon of regular unleaded is $2.82. st. louis has the lowest average price in the nation. san francisco comes in at the highest. now google is admitting the street view project collected more than scenes from around the corner. the tech giant says it down loaded passwords and private e- mails from home computers as it crisscross the globe taking pictures for the mapping service. google says it was an glen kind of creepy. a celebration for arena stage and. they are returning to the campus on the southwest waterfront in a new 13 a million dollars facility. president obama and first lady michelle are the honorary chairs of the upcoming season and phylicia rashad will star in a new production this fall. bed bugs are taking a bite out of the $30 billion tourism industry in the big apple. travelers to new york city, some say they are getting
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creeped out about staying in hotels and visiting attractions because of bed bug infestations at several high-profile places. and several would be tourists tell the ap they cancelled upcoming trips to new york because of bed bug fears. >> wow. okay. >> i don't blame them. >> i know. >> we have a strong cold front heading 0 you are way. i thought we would stop and look at this rainbow from denver. isn't that beautiful. >> oh, yeah. >> kind of cool. >> i feel completely calm. >> it actually does have a calming influence. >> look at the colors. they are spectacular. >> we want to see denver covered in snow. >> north of denver is covered in snow but they will be sunny and 56 tomorrow. but for us mostly cloudy and warm, talking 76 for us tomorrow. maybe a shower. much, much better chance of thunderstorms on tuesday in to wednesday. 79 on wednesday. almost 80 despite the clouds and the showers and then cooler
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on thursday. we go back to 70 but i think we can all handle 70 degrees in late october. the tuesday planner. 60s to start. maybe a shower. 7 by lunch. 75 by evening. a couple of showers here and there. you get the idea. with the temperatures onyou don't need so much a jacket as you do an umbrella. for tonight, mostly cloudy, breezy and mild. a shower is possible. not a lot happening tonight. lows 55 to 60. and winds out of the southwest at 10 to 20. this is a good time to down load the weather app for your iphone. lows tonight, 60 downtown. almost like summertime. 55 gaithersburg. upper 50s to college park and in bowie and upper 50s to fairfax and reston. sterling 56. leesburg and middleburg and olney at 55 for tonight. that is very warm for this time of the year. a shower is possible. 50s and 60s. winds southwest 10 to 15. by afternoon, variable clouds,
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windy and warm. a shower or thunderstorm is possible. highs of 75 and winds increasing from the southwest at 10 to 20 and rather gusty. outside story, cold front on the way. windy and warm wednesday. actually windy and warm through wednesday. a few showers are possible on tuesday but the main event, big storms are possible on tuesday in to wednesday morning. in fact some of the storms could produce strong winds and heavy rains. we will keep you posted on that. here's the deal. just a big storm system getting organized out in the great plains and northern plain states. it will whip a cold front through the midwest tomorrow and in to the east tomorrow night and wednesday. we have already seen it has a history of producing severe weather. for us showers and storms to the south. showers and thunderstorms to the north. a couple offspring ales in between. that's the general way it will be tonight and in to tomorrow. here's a look at the forecast for tomorrow morning. the future cast, should be a dry commute. all right. and then by lunchtime a couple of showers. remember the light green is light rain. nothing big until tomorrow night and wednesday when the
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cold front gets closer and then big thunderstorms are possible. especially out to hagerstown and winchester. 76 tomorrow. shower or thunderstorm. good sound effects with the lightning actually. shower and thunderstorms also and best chance is tuesday in to wednesday and 70 on thursday, a bit cooler. cooler still over the week. 60 on friday. 65 on saturday. back to 60 on halloween but it will stay dry for the trick or treaters and kind of cool but comfortable. upper 40s and 50s, depending how big and how late you stay out trick or treating. >> they are going to love it. >> sooner or later the redskins will just beat somebody. just beat them bad with no doubt left. fourth quarter you will be turning it off. >> on the upside, you know, for all the mistakes that happened in yesterday's game you had a great performance out of hall and haynesworth. mcnabb was -- horrendous. >> he said horrendous, i'm
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saying a little shaky. i don't want to get the phone call. >> they did it with the benny hill theme music in the background when espn ran the highlights and that's not a joke because with nine turnovers and nine additional fumble that's got back it was in many respect a comedy of errors but one skin in particular caused many of the errors and he predicted it. >> reporter: he made the proclamation five weeks ago. no one is arguing with hall now. not after an nfl tying four interceptions yesterday. surprising even himself. >> we knew watching jay cutler all week we were going to get some opportunities. didn't think they were going to come in bunches like that but we'll take it. >> reporter: the skins will gladly take the dominating performance by hanes worth who made big play after big play. today mike shanahan called it albert's best game as a redskin. >> we expect the type of effort
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out of him and know the ability he has but pleased in his overall play. >> reporter: and albert is pleased the coaches have adjusted their defense to fit him. >> all i do is the stuff i did in tennessee. so i'm feeling more comfortable in the defense and i guess you'll see more production out of me. >> reporter: got to love that but what about the lack of production by the offense. >> if we can clean things up. >> reporter: that's a lot of cleaning. the offense was a mess including mcnabb whose quarterback rating was a dismal 56.8. >> what people remember is the end of the game and the most important thing is we won. >> reporter: the win and a 4-3 record is what fans are excited about today. >> messy but did great. we got the w. >> it will be interesting to see how they do down the road but at least they have won as many games as they won last year already. >> the team seems to be pulling together. that's the biggest difference. >> reporter: the redskins now go to detroit to face the 1-a lions. a team that upset them last year. if the skins win they will be 5- 3 going to the bye week.
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not many would have expected that. at redskins park, nine sports now in thank god that donovan can't see the play clock because he threw a third interception returned for a touchdown that got negated because the play clock expired if not the redskins would have lost the game. up next in the newscast, eating healthy when eating for two. simple meals to make for mom and baby to help them thrive. new at 6:00 -- i'm armando trull in northwest dc with the family of a 1 -year-old is making funeral arrangements after a fatal hit and run and a survivor from that crash and a witness speak out.
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thionase tack jumped 11 point and the s&p 500 climbed two for the day. so how about some mediterranean couscous and toasted pine nuts, peta cheese. how's that sound? >> not bad. it is one of two super healthy meals that angie goff is
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learning how to make. here's peggy fox. >> reporter: nothing like being pregnant that goat gets a woman thinking what she is eating and what the growing baby is eating. our mom to be traffic and entertainment reporter angie goff, who's not a cook got some professional advice. >> you are already hot and hungry and tired. don't make it worse than it has to be. >> reporter: cookology chef instructor katie ryneberg is teaching angie goff and a friend how to make a few easy delicious meals that are chock full of nutrients and veggies. >> we sauteed the zucchini and mushrooms. add those in and the tomatoes and the artichokes that we chopped. >> reporter: the first dish mediterranean couscous with peta cheese and toasted pine nuts. the next dish starts with a base of lentils. >> the reason we are using lentils is because we need to increase the fiber intake when we are expecting and a half cup has eight grams of fiber. >> reporter: then the super
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food spinach. >> a lot of iron. spinach has calcium and a lot of vitamin and minerals we need. >> a little salt and pepper on top and then roasted salmon with a reduction of figures and sal balsamic vinegar. >> even if you are not a cook this is something you can do at home and this is fancy enough i would be happy to eat it at your home. >> you can find those recipe and more in the food discussion group of thanks for joining us. 99 news now at 6:00 starts right now. from the first local station with news in high definition, this is 9 news now. the 16-year-old victim of last week's hit and run scooter crash in rockville has died. our own armando trull spoke to the second victim of the deadly accident and a good samaritan who ran out of her apartment building to help the critically injured teen. it is story you will only see on 9 news now. >>


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